
Listed below are a number of downloadable materials and links relating to the work of the Alderney Marine Forum. 
Key Documents

Terms of Reference 
This document provides further information on the role and responsibilities of the Alderney Marine Forum. Download here

Community engagement Strategy 
This document provides a detailed outline of the participative strategy in place to collect input for the development of a marine management plan. Download here

A downloadable version of the survey distributed to the Alderney Community by the Forum. Download here

Community Survey Results
A summary of results from the Alderney community postal survey conducted in February and March 2017. Download here

Meeting Agenda
These documents list the topics for discussion at previous AMF meetings.  
Meeting Action Notes
These documents provide information on the points of action identified by the AMF at previous meetings. 
Other Resources

Image credit: Sunset on Platte Saline by Neil Howard (CC BY-NC 2.0)